The death gong of summer

I really hate my job. 

And that is what I would like to talk about, but it’s not productive, so I’m going to talk about photography in a minute.  But seriously.  I f-ing hate it.  The return date for my leave of absence was set at Sept 1st.  Suddenly my company realizes Sept 1st is a holiday and now they are trying to make my return date Sept 2nd so they don’t have to pay me for the holiday.  Bastards.

Additionally, I just found out I didn’t get a raise this year for the first time EVER IN MY LIFE.  Yes, I know I’ve been on leave of absence for the last 3 months.  So that means none of the satisfied clients and late nights and weekends worked in the first 9 months of the performance year count?  I see.

Furthermore, I am mad at myself because I’ve totally dropped the ball on one of my Goals for 2008: Find a new job that provides some level of motivation and inspiration.  I haven’t used my Red Le Cruset braising pot yet either, but I am confident that the pretty pot and I will be fast friends upon my return, so that goal is no biggie. 

I did have a revelation on the train from Boston to New York earlier this month.  I was force-feeding myself this book on climate change and realized I don’t want to go back to school for environmental studies.  I thought I did.  But I realized I can be conscious of not trashing the planet on a daily basis and that’s enough.  I’m still reading the book.

As the train passed Mystic, Connecticut and some other really adorable New England towns and marshes filled with herons, I had another insight.  I thought about how much I really enjoyed tending to my boyfriend’s tracina wound in Tuscany this summer.  I enjoyed every bit of it – popping the blister, trimming the dead skin, analyzing how best to treat and bandange and extract the sand getting trapped inside the sore.  (Tip: do not walk on the beach with an open wound.)  There’s a reason I majored in Biology.

So I have narrowed my future job list down to physical therapy, nursing, massage therapy, and fake-Italian zonzelle shop owner.  I am totally serious about all of these.  I’ve never seen the yummy zonzelle in the U.S. but I think Americans are being deprived of this super yummy Tuscan delicacy.  Dough fried in olive oil (so it’s healthy!) that can be:

     – eaten plain and hot, 

     – stuffed with pancetta, mozzarella, etc and then fried and eaten oozing and hot,  or

     – fried and afterwards spread with nutella and eaten hot

Shit, I just drooled on the keyboard.  It can also be eaten cold, but as you can see, I recommend eating it HOT.  We’d either sell them out of a truck like the Wafels people – maybe get lucky with a spot in the Village, SoHo, or Williamsburg – or out of a tiny shop on the Lower East Side.

mmmm zonzelle

mmmm zonzelle

Despite my enthusiasm for the zonzelle shop, it is more likely that I will go into something medically related. 

I’ll have to talk about the photographs tomorrow.  I don’t want to taint them with today’s angry ranting.

4 responses to “The death gong of summer

  1. yummm…zonzelles…sounds like our Beaver Tails. Yum…

    I’ve always wanted to have a massage therapists as a friend! That or a hair dresser. Either is good… : )

    sorry work is sucking and that it’s not inspiring you…as you well know I completely understand.

    Maybe I could become a photographer and take pictures of your Zonzelle shop for your online shop!!! lol

  2. If I quit my job, I may have to become a massage therapist, hairdresser ANd fake-italian zonzelle shop owner to pay the bills, so I’ll keep u posted, girl friend. 😉

  3. I think all those can be done out of one shop…don’t you? The zonzelle – massage – hair salon.

  4. How about becoming a memorist? I could see your book next to James Frey and Augusten Borroughs. 🙂

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